Research Services

Meet your Scottish ancestors.

Do you know the name of your Covenanter or Jacobite ancestor? Let me help you meet them through the rich history of Scotland.

I have a lot of professional experience in researching peoples links to Scotland, in the past the people of Scotland have spread throughout the globe, colonising new territories and now there is barely anywhere in the world that does not have people that are originally descended from the glens and lochs of bonnie Scotland.

If you believe you have a Covenanter or Jacobite ancestor and you know their name, I can help you find out more about them, where they were from in Scotland and what kind of activities they were involved in, if you have never visited Scotland this could be the first step into a heritage you can later expand on by visiting the places I discover for you.


The Covenanters were people in Scotland who signed the National Covenant in 1638. They signed this Covenant to confirm their opposition to the interference by the Stuart kings in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. In the subsequent years many died to affirm this opposition either by execution or in battles and skirmishes.

There were many Jacobite rebellions. The most famous of which was 1745. Believing the British throne to be his birthright, Charles Edward Stuart, aka ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’, planned to invade Great Britain along with his Jacobite followers to remove George II and restore Britain to a Roman Catholic kingship. Following defeat at Culloden on 16 April 1746 many adherents to the Jacobite revolution were displaced and were forced to flee from the purge of the British government as it sought to ensure the rebellion was crushed once and for all.

Use the links below to start your search.

Covenanter Research

Meet your Covenanter ancestor.

Jacobite research.

Meet your Jacobite ancestor.

Fraser you do great work in researching all of the finer details when it comes to the Covenanters history

You are an asset for anyone who are looking for the Covenanter Ancestors

Norman Murphy

British Columbia Canada