Great Inventors Tour

Explore our spectacular, Georgian New Town. Our focus will be on the great inventors, writers and pioneers who lived there. Alexander Graham Bell, Joseph Lister, James Young Simpson, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and James Clerk Maxwell.

You will even see where the present First Minister of Scotland lives, as well as meeting a King!

Between all these people, they gave us the telephone, are the reason hospitals give us fresh bandages and sterilise their equipment. Also, why we have mouthwash, ladies can safely give birth. One of them also explains how our main railway station gets its name and has the tallest monument in the world to a writing great. Another wrote Treasure Island and Jekyll and Hyde.

You will also enjoy the majesty of New Town architecture on display. This small private tour may not cover Edinburgh Castle, but has an equally fascinating story to the Old Town to tell.

Indeed, I am sure you will also enjoy a small private tour of The Old Town or Edinburgh Castle

I could continue, but you will experience it all on your own small private Great Inventors tour.

Especially for the younger generation on your small private tour, I have an interactive activity sheet to entertain the full duration of your tour. Your younger group members can even win a special prize!

WhatsApp Edinburgh Tours and History


Click here to open a WhatsApp chat with me.Typical response time 2HRS Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm UK time.