South Leith Parish church Edinburgh is a true ecclesiastical gem. It’s origins can be traced back hundreds of years to the Order of the Knights Templar.  It has survived a seige and bombarment by cannonballs. Inside the church you will find the coat of Arms for Mary Queen of Guise and Mary Queen of Scots.  Outside James VI and Charles I. That’s four successive reigning monarchs.

Within the graveyard of South Leith Parish Church Edinburgh you will find the inspiration to one of Robert Louis Stevenson‘s novels. A visit to South Leith Parish church will leave you inspired and invigorated. Well worth the trip to the bottom of Leith Walk.

If the thought of such an adeventure inspires you, so will joining me on a small private group tour of Greyfriars graveyard in the very heart of Edinburgh.

For a more detailed look at my feature open the file by clicking the link below.

South Leith Parish Church

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